Richland County, Illinois
Richland County Website & Logo
Richland County is a charming rural Southeastern Illinois community. But, they lacked an online presence and an official logo and county seal. Together, we identified content needs, and custom-designed an all-new website based on our latest municipal website U/X platform and features. We also created a new county seal and logo that features Richland County’s legacy of agriculture and outdoor recreation alongside the classic courthouse architecture and, of course, the iconic white squirrels that the county seat of Olney is known for.

Bringing City & County Together Under “One Roof”
Making local government accessible for all.
Residents now have digital access to county government and services from any device. Residents can find the next county board meeting, look up past agendas and minutes, view jobs, register to vote, and so much more. Features such as robust Search, Translation, and ADA-compliance ensure that county website content is accessible to all.

Next Project
Unit 40 Rebrandready to get
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